
Domino effect definition
Domino effect definition

domino effect definition

Data strongly suggests that angiotensin II is a contributing factor at every step of the process in this metabolic domino effect, starting from obesity to the progression of macroangiopathy and microangiopathy. If one event causes another similar event, which in turn causes another event, and so on, you can refer to this as a domino effect. When these risk factors accumulate in one person over time, the risk factors interact and multiply the cardiovascular risk, leading to a process similar to falling dominoes once the process begins, it leads to cardiovascular diseases that are irreversible.

domino effect definition

Due to the limited data and the complex models, uncertainties are. This new concept considers factors such as the flow of time and the chain reaction of the risk factors. Organizationally, the domino effect can be caused by the replacement or addition of new technology it could be a merger or acquisition, or downsizing of. The domino effect is a common phenomenon is risk analysis of chemical process accidents. The effects of this syndrome over time are now being referred to as 'metabolic domino effect'. This condition, marked by an accumulation of these risk factors in one person, is considered a disease entity by itself called the 'metabolic syndrome'. When these risk factors accumulate, the risk of cardiovascular diseases remarkably increases. Lifestyle-related diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and impaired glucose tolerance are independent risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

Domino effect definition